Making money online, an update.
My last post a few months ago suggested that one could "Quit their Job". Of course, that begs the question "What am I going to do for money if I quit my job?"
- Unless you have retired with a nice fat bank account and a pension (something that is extremely rare these days), you will either have to find another job, start your own business or turn to working online from home.
- Maybe you're not retired and the current job you have just isn't paying the bills. It is rare to have a paycheck that actually keeps up with rising costs of living.
- Maybe you don't even have a job or lost the one you had. This can put one in some pretty dire financial circumstances. If you have a family to support, rent or a mortgage to pay along with other normal day-to-day bills, you may be in some serious financial difficulties. You need to do something NOW to get some money coming in the door!
- Are you a stay-at-home mom or stay-at-home dad so that you can tend to your children while your spouse works all day? The successful "single-income" family is pretty rare.
- Are you an "Empty Nester" whose children have moved out and you are bored to tears with nothing to do all day?
What are your options? There are a few;
- Freak out and scramble around like crazy trying to find another job that will likely only pay you half of what your were making. (Been there, Done that.)
- Try to start your own business. Do you know how to run a business? Do you have the resources to even start your own business?
- Look to the online world of Internet Marketing and take the plunge. Without a "Mentor" this is very much a hit or miss proposition. There are plenty of shysters out there with huge promises of instant wealth for no work. Please?… Have you lost your mind? Without a proper Mentor to guide you, success in this field can take a minimum of 6 to 8 months and very likely quite a bit longer. It can be done if you find the right vehicle and have the fortitude (and funds) to stick with it and make it work.
There is a solution!
The solution is to involve yourself in some type of Network Marketing, Affiliate Marketing or some other aspect of online work. There are a million different "opportunities" out there, some you may have already tried with little or no success. I know I have with varying results.
Some were a total bust, others made a little bit of money but took way too much effort for the return. Even if it was a moneymaking operation, like most, the opportunity eventually saturates out and dries up and the money becomes harder and harder to generate.
You find yourself scrambling every day to keep the whole thing afloat. I have been involved in online businesses that literally made me thousands of dollars for a few months and then just faded away. Pretty disheartening I know.
One of the things I learned along the way was that one needs to develop multiple streams of income and constantly be creating to keep the money coming in.
If you have a single stream of income (like a regular job for instance) and that stream suddenly dries up you're going to have a rough time of it. The trick is to set up and maintain multiple streams running simultaneously so that if one dies you can ramp up your efforts in another area to increase the income from that one while you look for a new one to add to your stable.
So what do I do now?
After much "testing of the waters" and fumbling around with several programs on my own, unsuccessfully I might add, I came across a person that had substantially demonstrated success in this area that was willing to take me under their wing and show me the ropes. Along the way I learned this maxim...
You do not need to reinvent the wheel. The best way to get ahead in business and in life is to find someone that has what you want and is where you would like to be and then find out exactly how they did it and do the same thing. It is a simple concept although sometimes not necessarily easy, it is still simple. It is simple because you have an exact pattern to follow and thereby avoid taking the lumps of trial and error along the way. Your mentor has already done that so you don't have to.
If you are interested in such a program, simply click on the link at the upper right of this blog (Favorite Links) and proceed. I myself am deeply involved in this particular program because...
- It has an extremely low threshold of entry,
- Requires no recruiting, (but you can if you wish. It's nice to share the wealth)
- No selling,
- No websites or capture pages,
- No phone calls-in or out,
- No bugging my friends and family to buy products they don't want,
- No AutoShip programs that leaves you with a ton of products filling your garage that you can't use or sell. (been there, done that)
It is very simple to do, the training is provided online 24/7 so you can work it at your own schedule and you can make from $200-$2000 or more a month in your spare time, only working a couple of hours a day.
It's working very well for me and I make money from it every day. You can too!
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