Saturday, April 21, 2012

Building a Financial Wall

Building a Financial Wall 

Alas, Long gone are the days of our parents and grandparents when one could work at the same job for 30 years and then retire with a decent pension.  This pension combined with Social Security was enough to live comfortably for the rest of one's life.

Bad economic times, financial disasters and outright fraud have gutted most pension plans, leaving a huge number of honest people financially destitute. Now they are attempting to live on Social Security alone and that is a joke, although a cruel one. I know this because I'm one of those.  As a result of choices I made throughout my life, I must keep working or start looking for that packing crate that will be my new home.  Not a great position to be in.

Hang on! There is hope!

Regardless of your age or current financial state, there is hope. In this day and age of technology and the internet, there are opportunities to launch a business that will make money come in the door that do not require one to reenter the workforce and take another "job."  There are numerous online "work from home" opportunities available.  Yes, yes, I know, scams abound.  Many are designed to lighten YOUR wallet and fatten theirs.  Been there, Done that!  Not even a crappy T-Shirt to show for it.  With some careful "due diligence" one can find legitimate work at home businesses that do very well IF one follows the path of other successful people that have done well in the same business.

The key to success is Duplication

Long ago, I was taught that the key to success is duplication.  What does this mean?  Duplication means; Find someone that has what you want, be it a lifestyle, a nice car, a successful career or whatever and find out how they got it and then do exactly the same thing.  One does not need to reinvent the wheel.  There are plenty of successful people that are willing to share their methods and tools with others as a form of "paying it forward" and helping others dig themselves out of the ruts they were once in and that you have created for yourself.  I am now involved in one such business myself and it is gaining momentum rapidly thanks to the mentoring I am receiving and the tools I have been given.

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