Starting Your Own Business. Are you the reason it didn't work?
Nothing will change until YOU change.
It has been said many times over; "Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is a workable definition for insanity."
Nothing will change in your life until you make a decision to change yourself and do something differently than what you have been doing. You are where you are in your life because that's where the things you have done and the decisions you have made have put you.
Are you broke? Do you have a job but hate it? Are you unemployed? Are you driving the car you want to drive or living in the house you want to live in? Are you saving money for retirement? Fairly simple questions aren't they? For most people, the answer is NO! The real question that needs to be asked is "Why am I in this position?"
Yes, yes, we have all heard all the excuses. "I need a better education." "It's the economy!" "My boss hates me!" "It takes too much money to start my own business." "I've thought about starting my own business but all my friends said that I couldn't do it." I could fill pages and pages with the excuses I have heard. When push comes to shove, they are just that, EXCUSES!
It's only human nature to try to blame something or someone else when things go wrong. Remember, when you point a finger at something else, there are three fingers pointing back at you! Majority Rules! You, my friend, are the real problem. You can't fix a car with broken tools. You can't fix your life if you are broken. So the first place to start fixing your life is fixing yourself.
If you don't fix yourself, nothing will change.
Self-evaluation is often uncomfortable. People around you, and life in general, do a fine job at beating us down. Why should we participate by doing it to ourselves? Because if you don't, nothing will change! When it comes down to it, YOU are the central figure in your life. What you do affects every thing else in your life. It's not being selfish or self-centered to focus on yourself and what you are doing. It's survival! If you don't survive well, others that are connected to you will not survive well either. Be it coworkers, your family, your friends or just people in general, if you are doing poorly it impacts everyone else in some way. On the other hand, if you are successful and thriving, it benefits those around you.
When you are doing well, you are upbeat and excited about life. The people that you come in contact with can be positively effected by this. If you have money to spend, it benefits the businesses you patronize and the economy in general. Being upbeat and excited is like a beacon on a dark night. It draws people to you and lifts their spirits. It provides people with an example that one can win at life. Wouldn't you like to be that example? You can be!
Okay I'm ready - How do I start?
The first thing you should do is to look at where you really are. Strip away the social veneer and really look at where you are in your life. This establishes a starting point so to speak. Without a starting point to measure against, how would one know if any progress is being made?
The next thing is to decide where you would like to be. Call it a target or a goal. Whatever it is, it's something you want to move toward. Don't be overly concerned at this point about how you're going to achieve that goal or target. That part will be discussed a little further on.
Wish - Want - Need - Got
Consider this concept:
Wish; This is something you would "sort of like to have." It would be nice, but it is unlikely you will put in the effort needed to get it. As my father used to say "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride."
Want; This is something you would really like to have. This might be attainable but it's going to take some work.
Need; A "Need" is something you are much more likely to put in the effort to attain. "I need to eat" or "I need to put gas in my car or I won't make it to work" or "I need to pay my rent or I will be living on the street."
It's amazing how it works. Needs some how get accomplished. Wishes and Wants are less likely to happen.
So what's the message here? Turning your wishes and wants into needs. It's a "mental" adjustment, that's all. It's as simple as that, turn your wishes and wants into needs. When you turn them into needs, you'll figure out how to get them.
"Dream Building"
The goals or targets that you set should be real to you. They should be something that you really need.
Go-ahead, start dreaming. But don't just do it in your head. Make it real, write it down on paper, start collecting pictures of the things you really want. Make a craft project out of it if you will. Get yourself a poster board and start cutting pictures out of magazines and sticking them on the board. Find pictures of the exact car that you would really like to be driving. Pictures of vacation spots you would like to go to. Pictures of the house you would like to live in. Pictures of anything you want. Be detailed and definite. If you want a red BMW of a certain model, find that exact picture. Remember, these are your "wants" that you're going to be turning into needs. A picture of something "sort of like" the thing you want is not good enough. It needs to be the exact same thing to work its magic.
So..... where are we now? By doing a sincere and honest self-evaluation, we have established our starting point. (Call it "Point A".)
By doing some dream building and then making those dreams real to you by finding the pictures of those exact things, (call this point B) you have now established the parameters of your journey. Now you know where you are and where you're going. Next comes the road map.
To be continued..........