Sunday, August 9, 2009

Why am I out of work and cannot find a job?

Are you a Dinosaur?

With the unemployment rate pushing 10%, many people that would have never considered (or planned for) the idea of being out of work find themselves wondering where the money will come from to carry on in life and pay the bills.
Although it is changing, the idea that many of us were taught that the way to make it in the world was to go to school and get a degree, find a "good" job and work there until you retired.  This model is no longer a workable solution. The previous model was based on a "hard goods" manufacturing system.  While they still exist, they have changed.  This is the "Age of Information" and data is the coin of the realm now.  Computers, technology and effectively instant world wide communication via the Internet now drive the manufacturing process and it is a "world market" for both production and labor. The concept of "off shore" providers of goods and services has changed the playing field. Competition from the offshore market has eroded the once solid base of US industry and the jobs it provided. The once proud moniker of "Made in the USA" is a vanishing breed.  Far from being a Luddite, I think it is a good thing and ultimately brings better and less expensive products to all.
So, how does someone like me, a "Boomer" kid born in 1945 adapt to this new economy?  

Basically it's adapt or die!

I have been a geek since before it was cool. I have been fascinated by technology since I can remember.  Unfortunately, many of my peers are not, and see technology and computers as an assault on their lifestyle and a demand on their time to learn all this "new" stuff just to get along today. They are no longer competitive in the job market that demands at least a passing familiarity with computers and software applications.  Now, when they are out of work, for maybe the first time in their life, they find that they cannot compete successfully in the job market with the younger generation or even their own generation that did keep up with the changes. You my friend are a dinosaur! Rail against fate all you want, it will not change the fact that you have become obsolete.

How do I fix it?

Is this a permanent condition?  Only if you allow it to be! There are a lot of resources available if you take the time to look.  Much of it is free via the dreaded Internet! The list of free courses and training is very long if you look for it.  You do not need to become a full-on geek like me. Some very basic training in using typical office software will make you that much more employable.  Even in the construction trades where I spend much of my time, high technology is making significant inroads.  No one actually draws up physical plans anymore.  Everything is done on computers using CAD (computer aided design) applications like  AutoDesk® which output digital files that can be instantly modified/corrected and made available to anyone that needs them via online "plan rooms."  If I wish to bid on a project, I simply log in to the plan room, download the file to my computer and save it.  I used to pay for physical plans to use for bidding and the set I had may not have included the latest revisions. Basing a bid on outdated plans is a great way to go broke!  There is a tongue-in-cheek definition of "winning bidder" that says: "The winning bidder is the guy that wins the bid with the lowest price and is wondering what he missed."
A similar process is used in manufacturing and is called CAD/CAM. Computer Aided Design/Computer Aided Manufacturing. Computers and software are also used for work flow.  The concept of "Just In Time" material supply, enabled by computers saves millions of dollars a year for manufacturers, eliminating the need to warehouse and stock needed materials for several months in advance due to the inefficiencies of the older, paper based and hand counted inventory systems. Now, they only maintain enough for a couple of weeks and some even less. An example of this is Dell Computer(r).  They do not stock pre-built computers but instead build it when you order it.

Where do I get this training?

A quick search on Google brings up thousands of results. Here are a few samples:

How and Where to look

So the bottom line is to stop doing what you are doing now if you want to get different results than you are getting now. Start looking at things from a different perspective. Take the time to get your Résumé in shape by taking advantage of the free evaluation services from sites like CareerBuilder© to make it pop out from the crowd.  Internet job boards like CareerBuilder© and Monster© are great ways to quickly search for jobs targeted at your particular talents.  If you are experienced in a particular field, search the company web sites directly.  Most post their openings there before they ever get to an online job board.
Think about your basic skill set that makes you good at what you do. Could this be applied in another, unrelated industry? Just because you have always made widgets does not mean that the same skills cannot be applied to making something else!
Start your own business. Many companies are now "outsourcing" their tasks to sub-contractors and 1099 independent contractors.  This saves them money by not needing to provide benefits or even work space in some cases.  Many jobs can be done via a "telecommute" situation where you work at home and just log in to the company's site to submit production or do work in a "shared" workspace like Microsoft's "Office Live Workspace".
Consider going into commission sales.  Since you only get paid for what you produce, these jobs are often pretty easy to get.  Leverage your "people" skills into a paycheck.  Commission sales people are often the highest paid in the workforce.  Remember, "with every floor, comes a ceiling".  If you have a guaranteed income or salary there is often a cap as well. Many commission sales have no cap and you determine how much you are worth by your actions.

Final Caution!

With the rampant unemployment today, the creeps come out of the woodwork to prey on the unwary job seeker. I get dozens of proposals every day in my e-mail just because I have posted a resume online.  Some of them are quite legitimate looking on the surface, coming through what appear to be sites like CareerBuilder. They are just scams in disguise, stealing their logos and style from the real site to make them look legitimate. Some are just outright BS and obviously scams. Others are much harder to detect.  Always do your due diligence.  If you are considering an offer of a great "job or business opportunity" you got, search for the idea or company name on Google or other search service and check the online scam warning sites.  The real stinkers will be listed and raked over the coals very thoroughly. You are not unique, special, or part of some secret list of lucky people that are getting exclusive access to this "special" offer. You are on a "sucker list" if anything!  Don't fall for them.
Good Luck

Friday, August 7, 2009

An Aside on looking for extra work.

Like many, I have been "underemployed" for the last 8 months.  While I run my own business, it is tied to the Real Estate market and has followed it into the crapper.  Things may be loosening up a bit though, just booked three new jobs yesterday and another today.  I hope its not just an anomaly and that the work keeps coming.

In a effort to fill in the gaps in my cash flow, I have been poking around the Net and have tossed up a few Resumes on the online job boards like Monster and CareerBuilder.  This has graced my inbox with some very interesting propositions.  Some are outright scams. Some are legitimate.

It really sucks when the low life jerks attempt to take advantage of people that have fallen on hard times.  If you are an old salt like me, you very quickly spot the telltale signs.  Some are not so lucky.  Unfortunately, it's a "growth" industry.  More and more are getting in on the gravy train and fleecing lost souls trying to keep their lives together and taking their very last dime just before they go under.

Even the legitimate job sites are not immune to the occasional scammer slipping through the cracks and using the sites good name to lend apparent legitimacy to the "offer" of a great way to make a ton of money in a short time and solve all your financial problems. (I've gotten a few of those. I have the various web site's scam reporting emails on "speed dial" and route the offer to them as soon as I find them.)

The only financial problems that get solved by these scams are those of the scammer!  On close examination, it's not hard to see the flaws in the schemes they put forth.  Someone once said "A fool and their money are soon parted."  It is true, but there is another component.          A heart with a bit of larceny in it!  The less than ethical characters are the most likely to fall for the scam. Their impaired judgment makes is seem that it is totally fine to rip people off if they are doing it to "save their own family" or some such crap. They end up getting taken to the cleaners and it serves them right.

I'm dumbfounded but I get at least 10 variations on the Nigerian 419 scam every day along with many other very creative approaches to separate me from my money.  The infamous 419 letter scam must really work because its really got legs.  Its been around since way before the Internet and used to be run via the Postal system.  Wow! These guys must have been very patient! The "419" part of the name is based on the law section in Nigeria that makes this practice illegal.

As for the appeal to the less than ethical, the basic premise of the 419 is an illegal money transfer to avoid some country's tax laws etc. This is clearly stated right out of the chute. Now why would any honest, law abiding person even begin to get involved given that opening premise?  Larceny and greed are the main reason. Maybe some are just too stupid to live.

When they get skinned, they cry like a baby about how they were taken advantage of.  Please, you were as crooked as the guy that contacted you or you would never have answered!  After that, it's just sheer stupidity at work and the scammer is laughing all the way to the bank every time you send them some more money for those "transit documents" and "bribes" that are needed to get your $13, 000,000 in gold that nobody is claiming shipped directly to you.  Good Luck with that!

One of the biggest red flags to look out for in any dealings you get involved with is the requirement for some sort of up front money from you. It can be for advance payments of "fees and permits" as above or for access to the "secret method" they are going to share with you so you too can make millions.  You might be surprised to find out the secret method is to do the same thing to someone else. Go out and find your own group of suckers to send you money for the secret method book or web site. Gotchya!  So now you need to recoup your losses so you perpetuate the scam.

Ben Franklin once said "Believe none of what you read and half of what you see." Given the technology available today, I would cut that last part down to maybe 10%


Thursday, July 16, 2009

More on Cash Flow and Budgets

An Emergency Plan, Do you have one?

Do you have liquid assets that can be tapped to cover interruptions in your income? Interruptions caused by loss of employment or a prolonged illness can destroy your financial future in short order. Statistically, most people will experience at least one period of debilitating illness or injury lasting 90 days or more at some point in their life. Medical expense aside, could your budget tolerate a 3 month gap in income? Mine sure didn't! In 2007, I experienced a medical problem that prevented me from working for two months. That really hurt my financial well being.  I had saved up a few thousand dollars but that was soon consumed by my ongoing expenses.  Bills don't take a time out while you get back on your feet!

These days, the standard wisdom of having three months income as an emergency fund may not be enough! Consider making that six months of expenses rather than income. Most families operate on a deficit spending plan and use credit to fill the gap. This is not only foolish but is a "head in the sand" viewpoint that will quickly lay you low if something unexpected happens. Sit down right now and really look at your spending patterns.  There are hundreds of tools available on the Net, mostly free, that can help you analyze your budget and spot areas that can be trimmed or eliminated to bring your spending more in line with your income. Even a simple $.50 notebook will do. Just write down EVERY penny you spend for one month. It will blow your mind! I'm sure there are items that you spend hundreds of dollars a month on, a few dollars at a time, that could be reduced or eliminated.  They get "masked" as "mad money" or "just pocket change" but they quickly add up to a significant amount if you stop to look. Quitting smoking can equal a nice car payment for example or can build a nice nest egg emergency fund. Do you absolutely "have to have" that $3-$5 cup of coffee from that trendy coffee shop every day or you can't function?  Get real! It's a "status" thing and it is taking money away from your family that could be better used to get out of debt.  You can get a decent cup of coffee from your local quick stop market for less that a dollar if you bring your own cup. I've been getting a 24 oz cup every day for years for $.89, including all the fancy creamer I can stuff in the cup.

The Credit Card Trap

Credit cards are the worst game in town. Credit Cards are the "New Slavery." Sure, you can "afford" those minimum payments now. What happens if you are out of work for an extended period?  Do you know how long they "own you" if you make just the minimum payments?  The average is 17 years! And, you will end up paying 2-3 times the original price for those things you could not live without. Now tell me slavery is dead!

It's about "following a plan."

There are a number of techniques that can be used to eliminate credit card debt.  One I like is to look at all your credit card debt and start a log or spreadsheet to track them.  Lay it out so that you can see: Who, Outstanding balance, minimum payment, interest rate and amount paid each month. Total the overall payments you make every month for all the cards. Now total only the amount needed to make minimum payments to keep them current and avoid charges. Subtract the total minimum payments from the total you pay each month.  Is there a difference? If so, target the highest interest rate card and throw that difference on that card.  Keep doing that until is goes to zero. Now cancel that account and destroy the card. I know this doesn't seem to make a lot of difference at first but hang in there, it gains momentum if you follow through. The next step is where it really starts to come together! DO NOT "blow the money" on other spending but instead take the money you were putting on that card and add it to the next highest interest card and pound it out of existence! This will happen much faster since you are "doubling up" on the payments. Keep doing this until you have eliminated all the credit card debt.  It does not effect your overall budget since you are still paying the same amount in total each month. You are just doing it "smarter" than you were and eliminating debt faster. You are paying off your debts quickly and putting some order in your financial life.  This process can have you out of debt from high interest credit cards in just a couple of years as opposed to their plans for you of "financial servitude" for the next 15-20 years.

Want to get out of debt even faster? Visit to see how.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

How Should I Handle My Money?

What money, you ask?
Although times are a bit tough right now, it has not always been that way nor will it continue to be. Everything has a cycle if you look at the numbers over a period of time. Various sectors of the economy move up and down like the tides. Nothing is static. Sometimes the cycles are complimentary, one moving up as another moves down. Some are linked and as one falls, so does its companion. Being aware of these cycles can be useful.

Your financial life is not a simple thing. Nothing is cast in stone and there are quite a few variables that determine how you should handle it. For some, their income is not all that predictable, such as those that are self-employed. Others, as long as they actually have a job (not a sure thing these days), can be pretty sure about the amount of money to expect each month.

The Five Areas of Personal Finance

  • Cash Flow
  • Proper Protection
  • Debt Management
  • Emergency Fund
  • Asset Accumulation & Preservation
Let me address the "Cash Flow" part first. (part one of five)

How and where does your income come from? Is is stable and predictable? Is it enough? (Too much month left at the end of the money?) How do you manage expenses. Do you need to earn additional income?
Do you follow a budget or track expenses?

The first step in good financial management is to be brutally honest with yourself and actually KNOW how much you really bring in each month from all sources and where it really goes. This is one of the weakest areas for most of us. A few weeks into the month and we are asking "Where the hell did it all go?" There are numerous ways to track this available for free in most cases. From something as simple as a $.50 pocket notebook in which you write down every penny you spend on anything to freeware programs for your Smart Phone and computer. Whether you use a pencil and paper or a spreadsheet, the point is, JUST DO IT!

If you really do this, you will soon spot the "leaks" in your cash flow. Now you will see areas that can be evaluated as to just how important the expense is in relation to your overall financial health.

Not enough money left to pay all the expenses? You have two choices here, cut expenses or make more money. In many cases, spending a few dollars here and there can be trimmed or eliminated with little loss of "life style". Are you spending $3-$5 every day in that coffee house? Did you know that you can get a 24 oz. coffee for only $.89 at 7-11 or Circle K or whatever local convenience chain is near you if you bring your own cup? Or even better, make your own at home and bring it with you. Still smoking? There is $250 or more per month. Damn! That's a car payment! Or that could buy you a $250,000 Life Insurance policy or fund an Annuity policy for retirement or for college tuition that has huge tax advantages! Basically, you can "find" extra money if you look for it without changing your quality of life and it may even improve it.

Next time: Proper Protection

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Financial Freedom - Why Should You Strive For It?

On the surface, one might think that this is a "Well Duh!" question.

Most people feel that they are attempting to do this. One of the problems that prevents most people from attaining it is actually the "why" to do it. If you really do not have a strong enough WHY, you may not have the drive and the attitude needed to actually attain it. It it totally possible, people attain it every day because they have identified the proper why and are using the right tools and methods to do it.

What exactly is "Financial Freedom"?

There are many definitions that could apply here but a good start is;

Making enough money to pay all your obligations whether you are physically able to work or not and being debt free.

What does being financially free mean to you? Here are a few ideas:
  • Being able to choose the job or career that you want and not needing to accept something or be "trapped" in a bad job just because you need the money or benifits it brings in. Working or volunteering for a non-profit cause or entity for instance.
  • Freedom to live wherever you wish. Most of us live where we do because that is where or livelihood is produced and we cannot live elsewhere and still do that job.
  • Choosing how you spend your time. Want to work, do it! Want to play on the beaches of the world? Do it! Want to explore new business ideas without needing to worry about cash flow until it gets off the ground? Do it.
  • Freedom from worry. Stress creates health problems we don't need. Financial Freedom is an amazing stress reducer!
  • If you think about it, it gives you the freedom to say NO. No, when your employer tells you you need to work overtime this weekend and you had other plans. No, when you see unethical things happening in your workplace that you do not want to be a part of. No when the hotel clerk tries to put you in that crappy room by the elevator because you didn't have a reservation.
  • It also gives you the ability to say YES. Yes when a friend or relative is in need. Yes when your church needs help. Yes when your son or daughter asks you to be at a school function or sporting event during normal work hours. Yes when your son or daughter needs a coach or mentor for their after school team or club. Yes to joining the Peace Corps or Habitat for Humanity for a year or two.
  • Freedom to choose the schools your children attend.
  • Freedom to drive the vehicle you always wanted or choose to ride your bicycle because you don't really need to be anywhere at a particular time.
  • Freedom to support causes, political or otherwise, that you believe in.
The bottom line is, is that it is all about FREEDOM!

One of the signatures on one of my e-mail accounts is: "Ya know, just once I would like to try to disprove the concept that money does not buy happiness. If you do it right, having financial freedom can go a long way toward being happy.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Broke is a Temporary Condition - Poor Is a State of Mind!

Are you Broke or Poor?

Currently, the odds are that you may be broke! You may not think so but unless you have a fair amount of liquid assets available, you are, as they say, "but a paycheck away from a shopping cart."

The crash in the Real Estate market and the Sub-Prime lending fiasco has really brought that fact into focus now. In another life, I am a professional home inspector. As such, I have seen young, first time buyers stretch their resources extremely thin to purchase a home they really could not afford. I was amazed to see young couples step up and sign on for $4-5000 a month payments! Yes, currently, they had the income to support them. But, if anything happens, like an extended illness, the need to replace a car after an accident, the loss of one income stream or anything else that compromised their ability to fund the house payments, they were upside down in a heart beat.

The Proverbial "House of Cards"

This is not a good or wise position to put yourself in to, to say the least. This is a situation that some investors got themselves into as well. In the Real Estate parlance, they are called "flippers". They buy a house, throw some money into it (lipstick on a pig) and plan on flipping it back on the market in a few month and reaping the rewards of the ever rising prices and the "feeding frenzy" that were occurring at at the time. This worked very well for some. I saw it happen many times. $100,000 or more profits were not uncommon in three months. Pretty good ROI!

Unfortunately, starting in 2008, the wheels started coming off the train. Those that were a bit late to the party got caught holding very expensive assets that were no longer worth what they had invested. They were "upside down" and were stretched so thin that the only option was to sell at a loss (if they even could) or default on the loans. From that point forward until today, the downward spiral has continued. One thing led to another and what had been a Real Estate disaster soon morphed into a general economy disaster of epic proportions. And it was not contained within the borders of the good old US of A. Today's economy is a "World Economy" and our problems soon brought the World's economy to its knees. The wags are still debating whether the "bottom" has occurred or is yet to come.

Is there Hope?

Of course there is! Not everyone's finances tanked. Only those that were not observant and prepared took it in the shorts. Unfortunately, that is a group that has a very large membership!
There is an old saying in real estate; "Real Estate made me a millionaire! Unfortunately, I used to be a Billionaire!"

It's time to take responsibility for our actions and our finances. "Fine" you say. Just how do I do that? Well, I am going to attempt to shed some light on that subject. Something CAN be done about it!

Check back or add this feed to your news feed reader by clicking on the button below this post "Subscribe to this" and follow along in the coming weeks and months as I share my explorations into "financial education" for the masses. There are lots of resources that I am finding that are making a huge difference in people's financial lives. I will share them with you.